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The Retirement Matrix

A one-page matrix to help you navigate the 5 common stages of your retirement journey
- Clarify where you are and where you’re headed. (Useful information for ANY journey!)
- Reflective questions, tasks, and success markers to help your retirement journey stay on track.
Know what to expect at each stage and how to make the most of your retirement transition.
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I look forward to connecting with you again soon!
Karen x
Checklist: Are You Retirement Ready?

A red, amber, and green checklist system to help you build a rock-solid foundation for retirement.
- Explore your ‘readiness’ in six key areas essential for a truly fulfilling retirement.
- Build clarity and confidence about stepping into this exciting new chapter.
- Take control and get intentional about creating your ideal retirement lifestyle.
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I look forward to connecting with you again soon!
Karen x
How to Create a Retirement that Rocks!

A concise, creative eBook to guide you into a purposeful future and a retirement that rocks!
- An introduction to the Six Ps framework to help you take the reins of your retirement journey.
- Clarity, inspiration and guidance to make the most of this exciting chapter of life!
- Thought-provoking questions to help you design your retirement, your way.
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I look forward to connecting with you again soon!
Karen x