Meet Karen

I’m a retirement coach helping women proactively prepare for their first year of retirement.
I’ve been coaching for over 15 years and my expertise lies in supporting women through the non-financial aspects of this transition so they can have the best retirement possible with fulfilment, purpose, enjoyment and flexibility at its heart.

Karen Knott

Helping you create a retirement by choice not chance

My name’s Karen Knott and I’m a fully qualified teacher and personal development coach for women who are eager to make the most of their retirement.

Until recently there has been comparatively little information, inspiration or support available that gets to the heart of the opportunities and challenges this life stage presents to women.

And so, Prime Time Possibilities was created! 

Actually, it’s been more of an ongoing EVOLUTION. I’ve worked with this generation for over 15 years and as they (and I) have evolved, so too has my coaching focus. I now have the joy and privilege of working with one of THE most dynamic demographics – modern Third Age women seeking a rewarding, modern retirement.  

Let’s not forget that this remains one of THE most significant life transitions we’re required to navigate as adults, but if you type “retirement” into Google you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s ALL about financial planning. And of course this is important but there are other HUGELY important aspects to a successful retirement beyond getting the finances right, not least of which are the psychological, emotional and social adjustments we’re required to make.

Staring a big life transition in the face can feel challenging, scary, and overwhelming. And that’s where I can help. My expertise lies in supporting you through the non-financial aspects of your transition*, so you can have the best retirement possible with fulfilment, purpose, enjoyment and flexibility at its heart. 
*Just to be clear – I am not a qualified financial advisor and therefore do not offer financial advice as part of my services.

How I can help

This life stage is about SO much more than simply figuring out “what’s next?”

It’s an identity transition: “Who am I, now that I’m no longer a teacher… a therapist… a doctor?” 

And I know how challenging this can be.

But what if, you thought of it as an invitation – an invitation to explore… to discover who you are and what gives you joy. An invitation to realign and reconnect to the things that are deeply important to you. An invitation to forge a new identity.

Prime Time Possibilities uses the six key elements proven to be essential for a healthy, happy and fulfilling retirement as a framework for your exploration.

It’s an integrated, holistic approach to help you realign who you ARE now with what you really WANT now so you can make wholehearted, confident decisions for the way ahead. 

We are lucky to have choices and opportunities denied to previous generations of older women; I think we owe it to them and ourselves to make the very most of them.  

Thanks for taking the time to ‘meet’ me and I’d like to leave you with the question which catapulted me into action and which might help you do the same:

“If not now, when?”

More on the blog...

Coaching Corner is a series of short “mini-podcasts” sharing insights and strategies for creating a fulfilling, joyful retirement.

Join me as we explore what it takes to thrive in retirement and make the most of your Third Age.


Did you know that your unique, personal story is a VERY powerful thing?

It can completely transform your perception of yourself, your past and your life and – this is the exciting bit – it can help you create new plotlines for the next chapter in this adventure called LIFE!

Like I said, powerful!

We are incredibly fortunate to be healthier, richer and better educated than ANY previous generation – and we have absolutely no intention of dishonouring this privilege by fading quietly into invisibility and obscurity.

The energy, wisdom, potential and experience we have coursing through our veins is needed now more than ever and we have far too much to offer to be consigned to invisibility!

Do you ever get that gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of the stomach… a mixture of panic and regret, combined with the fear that time and opportunities are running out?

Well, what if you could turn those unsettling ‘woulda-coulda-shoulda’ thoughts into a force for positive change?