
Bringing Some New Year Energy into Your Next Chapter

Bringing Some New Year Energy into Your Next Chapter

I’m not big on the whole ‘New Year, New You’ thing’ but I do love the reflective, optimistic vibe that accompanies the start of a brand new year.

I relish the opportunity to hit the pause button and create some space to envision the adventures that lie ahead… taking stock of where I’ve been before stepping into what’s next.

Well, it occurred to me while doing my ‘personal inventory’ that the experience of moving into a new year has many parallels with the move into retirement and here are just a few I’d like to share with you.

  • Transitions:
    Both New Year and retirement are transitions that invite introspection, renewal, and a fresh perspective on what lies ahead – a chance to envision a different future.
  • Reflection:
    Preparing for retirement is kind of like those quiet moments at the end of each year when you sit back and generally mull things over… to look at how far you’ve come, count your blessings, celebrate the good stuff, and think about where you go from here. 
  • Fresh Starts:
    The New Year is all about optimism, renewal, and new beginnings. Similarly, retirement marks the start of an exciting new chapter—a chance to shake things up and make bold, dynamic life choices. It’s the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you, whether that’s outdated routines or other people’s expectations. Retirement, like the New Year, is about honouring the journey that’s brought you here while looking ahead with excitement for what’s to come.
  • A Catalyst for Change:
    A New Year often inspires resolutions for self-improvement and well-being. Similarly, retirement offers us the same opportunity but on a bigger scale! It’s a chance to reinvent yourself and pursue passions you’ve had to put on hold. It’s where you get to make intentional new choices that allow you to step into this new chapter with clarity, confidence, and enthusiasm.
  • Setting Clear Intentions:

    We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions along the lines of “I’m going to get fitter/ healthier / learn a new skill.” They sound plausible enough, but it’s the people who say “I’m going to walk in the park every Monday and Wednesday” who are more likely to actually do it!  The same goes for retirement. It’s easy to dream big with phrases like “I want to be happier” or “I want to feel better,” but without getting specific, these wishes tend to float away like balloons in the wind. What does “happier” actually look like for you? Maybe it’s spending Tuesday mornings teaching art at the local community center, or finally applying for that Open University course. The magic happens when you swap those fuzzy dreams for crystal-clear pictures of what you want your retirement to look like. 

  • It’s an Emotional time:
    Both New Year and retirement can trigger a complex mix of bitter-sweet emotions… anticipation and excitement coupled with nostalgia for what’s gone and apprehension about moving into the uncharted waters of the future. Acknowledging these contrasting feelings is key to unlocking the transformative potential of what lies ahead.

A New Year serves as an annual reminder that transitions bring chances for personal growth and renewal. 

Few transitions exemplify this as profoundly as retirement – a vibrant new chapter brimming with possibilities and opportunities for self-discovery, exploration, and reinvention.

So here’s to fresh starts, whether it’s the start of a new year… or the start of retirement!

May they both be opportunities to thrive.

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Your Three-Word Retirement Strategy

Your Three-Word Retirement Strategy

A few years back, I came across a poster that said, “It’s simple until you make it complicated.” … and these words have stuck with me ever since!

As someone who can overcomplicate things in the blink of an eye, it really struck a chord because I know from bitter experience that complexity inevitably leads to confusion, procrastination, and frustration –  NOT a good place to be at the best of times and definitely not a good place from which to make important decisions!

I use a simple mantra to combat my tendency to overcomplicate things: Keep It Super Simple. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m getting there! 
I’ve come to truly appreciate the value of keeping things simple, and I’d love to share one of my favourite tools for harnessing it—a method I now use with clients as they plan for retirement.

It all comes down to choosing just three words. That’s right, only three!

The story behind 'three words'

I first heard about the “3 Words” concept many years ago from author Chris Brogan who highlighted their benefits as an alternative to New Year’s Resolutions. Unlike resolutions that tend to fizzle out by February, he selected three words to act as a gentle guide and focus for the year ahead.

People in their thousands adopted the idea because it’s quick, effective and incredibly simple. 

When you think about it, moving into retirement can feel a lot like stepping into a new year. Both offer us a blank slate, a sense of renewal and a chance to reshape the future. Both are exciting and full of promise… and both can also feel overwhelming and uncertain.

That’s where those three words come in handy.

Why three words?

Instead of feeling lost or overwhelmed by endless choices, these three words bring you clarity and focus, helping you zero in on what you really want in your next chapter.

They serve as a compass, guiding you toward what truly matters and steering you back on track when life starts to feel too complicated.

For example, my current three words—flexibility, choice, and purpose—have guided me through some major decisions this year. After my hip operation, I knew I needed to take time off, focus on recovery, work on my fitness, and take a holiday. But I struggled with the decision to step away from my coaching work.

However, running the decision through my three-word filter brought everything into focus.

After all, what’s the point of having ‘flexibility’ and ‘choice’ if I don’t use them? And when it comes to ‘purpose,’ staying fit is key to fulfilling it.

So, I took 3 months off and returned feeling refreshed and re-energized!

It’s always fascinating to see the three words people choose. Here are a few examples from my clients::

  • Family. Connections. Health.
  • Learning. Exploration. Fun.
  • Peace. Simplicity. Realignment.
  • Mind. Body. Spirit.
  • Creativity. Curiosity. Courage.
  • Ambition. Flourish. Focus.
  • Purpose. Growth. Evolution.

Isn’t it interesting how three words can paint such a clear picture of what’s most important to each person?

Ready to find your 3 words?

If you’re thinking about your retirement and how you want it to look and feel, consider trying the three word strategy.

Here’s how you can start:

Do a Brain Dump
Ask yourself:

How do I want to feel in this new chapter?
What do I want to bring more of into my life?
What do I want to let go of?
What values or qualities will help shape this next stage?

Take some time to jot down any words that come to mind – just let the ideas flow uncensored. 

Refine the List
After you’ve written down a bunch of words, take a look at them and see if any patterns emerge. Slowly narrow them down until you’ve got three words that truly resonate with you. These words will have a significant role to play in creating your retirement so it’s worth taking your time.

Reflect and Expand on Each Word
Once you’ve got your three, take a moment to think about why you chose each one.

What do they represent for you?
How will they help guide your decisions and actions in this new phase of life?

Take my word, ‘flexibility’ for example. This is the expanded version which reminds me WHY I chose this word.

Flexibility is an essential element in my retirement, allowing me to respond to new opportunities and challenges as they arise. It gives me the freedom to adjust my schedule and priorities, ensuring that I can focus on what truly matters—whether that’s my work, well-being, new experiences, or spending time with those I care about. It helps me stay balanced and aligned with my values as I navigate this next chapter.

As you can see, one word represents A LOT.

Simple and easy are NOT the same thing

Leonardo da Vinci famously said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” and I couldn’t agree more. However, embracing simplicity is often more challenging than it might seem! And this strategy is about much more than identifying three words; it’s about digging deep to find what truly matters to you and what you want from your retirement.

And of course, identifying your three words is just the beginning. You need to keep them top of mind and regularly use them as a filter for your decisions and actions. 

So to those of you stepping into a new chapter, I invite you to consider what your 3 Words words might be. May they guide you through the complexities of retirement toward a future filled with purpose and joy.

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Is Your Retirement a Waste of Time

Is Your Retirement a Waste of Time?

‘What I’m most looking forward to about retirement is having more time.’ If I had a pound for every time I heard this heartfelt refrain I’d be a wealthy woman!

But when you think about it, there’s no such thing as ‘more time’! Whether we’re retired or not, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

The important difference is that when we retire we gain more choice over how we spend those 24 hours.

And this is often where things can start to go a bit pear-shaped!

Suddenly, we have the chance to fill those hours with meaning and purpose, no longer bound by the structure that work and family obligations once provided. And while it’s an undeniably exciting opportunity, ‘having more time’ can also feel daunting and overwhelming.

Time is our most precious asset

Financial security is often touted as the ultimate retirement goal, but in reality, time is our most precious asset. 

But unlike money, our time is a finite resource that cannot be replenished or saved for later use. Once it’s gone, it’s gone!

So, here’s the big question: What do you plan to DO with your precious, limited time in retirement?

And it’s this seemingly simple question that can often prove surprisingly challenging. Perhaps it’s because it’s a gentle, or maybe not so gentle reminder of our mortality – ‘time running out’ is a realisation that can be both empowering and sobering!

But retirement is a HUGE opportunity—an opportunity to design a new life made up of deliberate, intentional choices about how you want to spend your time.

 People have very different reactions to this opportunity but for most, it’s a unique blend of freedom and overwhelm!

Some dive headfirst into filling every minute with activity, only to quickly realise they’ve made an exhausting rod for their own back! It’s not about endless doing, but a wonderful chance to finally focus on the things that bring you joy, fulfilment, and purpose. Others, however, fall victim to procrastination and time-wasting activities like excessive TV watching or mindless scrolling on social media.

 The truth is, if something is important to us, we have to prioritise it and make time for it.

Maybe you feel like you're 'wasting' time

Maybe you recognise that you haven’t fully addressed what you want to do with your time in retirement, or maybe you’re struggling to find your piece of the opportunities retirement offers. Deep down, you might know that this can only be solved by some intentional thought on your part. This is where coaching can be a game-changer in retirement, providing personalised guidance and support to help individuals make the most of their time.

The whole idea of “wasting time” is of course completely relative. For instance, I know I’d be bored out of my mind in under an hour if I had to sit on a beach and do nothing for a week —but that’s plenty of other people’s definition of paradise. The key to a fulfilling retirement is spending your time doing what matters most TO YOU. 

It's YOUR time - how do YOU want to spend it?

It’s your time….

  • To explore who you are now and what gives you joy.
  • To realign and reconnect to the things that are significant to you.
  • To re-examine aspects of your life and let go of those that no longer feel right.
  • To take ownership of what really matters to you: your needs, your dreams, and your priorities for what’s next.

Grab a pen and start jotting down your  “It’s my time to…” ideas. Use them as your guide as you dive into this fresh chapter. Here’s some to get your creative juices flowing:

  • It’s my time to…. spend more moments with family and friends.
  • It’s my time to… dive into volunteering or giving back to the community.
  • It’s my time to…  travel to the places I’ve always talked about.
  • It’s my time to… learn something new or work on my personal growth.
  • It’s my time to… find ways to relax and unwind.
So, over to you…

From passing the time to embracing the time - it's yours to choose

Passing time… wasting time… killing time—these phrases all reflect our complex relationship with time itself. After decades of structure and schedules, it’s little wonder the sudden abundance of free time in retirement can feel overwhelming. We might talk about “passing time” as if we’re just trying to get through the day, waiting for something more meaningful to happen. “Wasting time” starts to feel more pressing, with the realisation that this is our time to focus on what truly matters. And “killing time” suggests a struggle with boredom, where minutes are seen as obstacles rather than opportunities. 

I like the phrase ‘spending time’ because it’s a reminder that we have a non-renewable resource at our disposal – a precious  chance to reshape our lives around what brings us joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

As you reflect on your retirement, consider this: are you ‘passing time,’ ‘wasting time,’ or ‘killing time’? Or are you ‘spending time’ intentionally and meaningfully?

Take some time to reflect on this, and remember, I’m here if you need any support or guidance.


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